This April, the National Legal Mentoring Consortium (NLMC) hosts its biennial legal mentoring conference in Columbia, South Carolina. Meeting the Challenges of a Changing Legal Profession will be held at the University of South Carolina School of Law on April 12-14, 2018.
This three-day NLMC event offers lawyers, judges, law professors, state court administrators, bar officials, law firm managers and other legal professionals the opportunity to discuss their unique mentoring programs and support those looking to launch a program of their own.
In the past, the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism has spoken at the NLMC conference shedding insight on our unique mentoring program we facilitate here in Illinois. As our program model has continued to serve as premier option for legal organizations in and outside of the United States, the Commission was tapped to co-sponsor the program this year alongside the National Legal Mentoring Consortium and the Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough Center on Professionalism.
William Hubbard, former president of the ABA, Ida Abbott, author and founder of Ida Abbott Consulting, Lisa Kirby, Director Research and Knowledge Sharing at Diversity Lab, Tammy Patterson, Executive Director of NALP Foundation, Kevin Chandler, Director of the Legal Professionals Program at The Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, Tracy Kepler, Executive Director, American Bar Association Center on Professional Responsibility, and Mark Palmer, Professionalism Counsel and brains behinds the Commission’s mentoring program will be some of the key speakers at this year’s program.
Each speaker will share insight on issues surrounding health and wellness, diversity and inclusion, technology that greatly impact the legal profession, and in turn how we approach mentoring in the legal workplace.
The NLMC Conference registration is currently open. Scholarships are available to help defray the costs of attending the conference. Those interested must send a request and rationale to Sharon Williams via email by March 1, 2018.
For those travelling to South Carolina for the conference, there is a Hotel Block. Online registration is available until March 12th.