Rebalance the Scales

Implicit Bias, Diversity, and the Legal Profession

We live in a dramatically transforming world, where the demographics of our population are more diverse than ever before. Meanwhile, our legal profession has continually lagged behind the diversity of our country. As our nation permanently changes, we need to ask ourselves how our legal workplaces will change as well, and what challenges we face to having true inclusion in the workplace.

This interactive two-part course features a panel of experts accompanied by interactive scenarios focused on the meaning of diversity, how implicit bias results in a lack of diversity in our profession and strategies to counter implicit bias in our personal and professional lives.

Photo of people in chairs lined up against a wall.

Before you launch Part 1 of the course, be sure to read the navigation instructions and the agenda. You are also encouraged to review these course materials both before and after the course:

This course is approved for 1.0 hours of diversity and inclusion CLE credit in Illinois (Part 1 = 0.5 hours + Part 2 = 0.5).

Before Launching the Course

  1. To receive CLE credit, complete the CLE Feedback & Attestation Survey at the end of the course. You will automatically be prompted to take the survey upon finishing the course.
    You must list your correct ARDC number in the survey. Please take a moment to locate it. You will not receive CLE credit if you do not complete the survey or use an incorrect ARDC number.
  2. For the most reliable experience, launch this course in the latest version of one of the recommended web browsers below.

    Windows: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox (*Internet Explorer [IE] Mode isn’t supported in Microsoft Edge)
    Mac: Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox
    Mobile: Safari, Google Chrome

Launch Course Part 1 Launch Course Part 2


Thank you to our expert panelists for contributing their time and perspectives to this course. Thank you also to those who helped us with the design and review of the course, including the Illinois ARDC, the Women’s Bar Association of Illinois, the Commission’s Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Board and CLE Advisory Group, and the many lawyers who continue to work tirelessly to advance the cause of diversity and professionalism.