Lawyer advertising and solicitation has been a hot button issue in the legal profession for a number of years now. As digital communication and technology change the way we practice and ultimately interact with clients, the topic only continues to grow in importance. That’s why it will be front and center at the upcoming ABA Midyear Meeting this February.
In fact, the ABA Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility is dedicating an entire public forum around lawyer advertising in conjunction with this year’s meeting.
On February 3rd, the ABA Ethics Committee will hold a public forum for those interested in sharing their opinions and concerns regarding lawyer advertising rules and regulations as the Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers (APRL) proposes revisions to the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct in relation to advertising and promotion of legal services by or on behalf of lawyers.
The APRL recommends that the ABA adopt a number of revisions to the current amendments, including a restructuring of the current layout and revisions to regulations of in-person solicitation, targeted communications, and paying for referrals, to name a few.
Those interested in sharing their insights at the public forum must send an email to modelruleamend@americanbar.org by January 27, 2017. They must be prepared to speak for a maximum of ten minutes and take questions immediately following as time permits.
For those not keen on public speaking, the ABA encourages written comments as well. Lawyers may submit these via email to modelruleamend@americanbar.org by March 1, 2017. All written comments will be displayed on the Ethics Committee’s Model Rules of Professional Conduct 7.1 – 7.5 page.
The public forum will likely take place at the Hyatt Regency Miami – the primary location of the upcoming Midyear Meeting. However, at this time, room and time information is still being finalized. Once confirmed, the specifics will be posted on the Midyear Meeting website.
As more information is released, the Commission on Professionalism will keep its avid blog and news readers in the know.