Mentoring CLE Credit and Attestation

To Earn CLE

To earn CLE credit for our lawyer-to-lawyer mentoring program, all attorneys must have:

  • Completed an online or in-person mentoring orientation
  • Completed the Mentoring Agreement
  • Participated in at least eight meetings with their mentoring partner*
  • Completed an action item from each of the Mentoring Plan’s five sections
  • Participated in the program for at least 365 days since their orientation date

Completion of the one-year mentoring program through an approved organization qualifies both mentor and mentee to receive 6 hours of professional responsibility CLE credit, including 1 hour of diversity and inclusion CLE credit and 1 hour of mental health and substance abuse CLE credit.

Both mentors and mentees must submit the online Mentoring Attestation and CLE Certification to obtain credit. The credit hours are earned in total upon the completion of the mentoring term year. No partial credit is awarded.

Newly Admitted Attorneys

Our mentoring program satisfies the 6 hours of professional responsibility CLE credit required for new attorneys in their first year of practice. Mentoring credits may still satisfy this requirement for attorneys who complete their term after the first year of practice.

There are two options for using the mentoring program to satisfy a portion of the 15-hour CLE requirement for newly admitted attorneys.

  • Mentoring program (6 hours PR CLE) + basic skills course (6 hours CLE) + 3 hours CLE = 15 hours
  • Mentoring program in place of the basic skills course (6 hours PR CLE) + 9 hours CLE = 15 hours

Apply for CLE credit

If you have questions, please reach out to Mark Palmer at