Mentoring Attestation and CLE Certification
IMPORTANT: Complete this form ONLY after it has been at least 365 days since your mentoring term began with your Orientation. Requests for mentoring CLE credit submitted too early may be delayed or rejected. Failure to submit the form within 13 months of starting the program results in an “Incomplete” report to the MCLE Board with no CLE credit issued.
When should I complete this form?
To earn professional responsibility credit for participation in a Lawyer-to-Lawyer Mentoring Program under Rule 795(d)(11), participants must participate in the Program for 12 months while completing the Program requirements. Once it has been at least 365 days since your orientation and the requirements are complete (8+ meetings), you should submit this form within 30 days.
Need more time to meet at least eight (8) times?
Participants needing more than 12 months to complete the Program requirements for CLE credit may request a reasonable extension, not to exceed three (3) additional months, by emailing the Commission within 13 months of starting the Program. If no such request has been made and unless an extension has been granted by the Commission, the participant will not receive CLE credit and their participation will be reported as “Incomplete” to the MCLE Board should they not complete the Program requirements and request CLE credit within 13 months of starting the Program.
Although the structured mentoring period is only one year, it is hoped that participants will choose to continue the relationship after the term is over.
Can I receive CLE credit for multiple mentor-mentee relationships and repeat the mentoring Program?
Mentoring CLE credit is available only for the completion of the mentoring Program by one mentor-mentee pair at a time. Multiple pairings may occur, but CLE may only be earned under one qualifying pair for the term. Nevertheless, participants, both mentors and mentees, may repeat the Program and earn additional CLE credit. Consult the MCLE rules for carryover allowances and other considerations.
Submitted information is stored and used by us for the lawyer-to-lawyer mentoring program as well as shared with the respective program administrator at the sponsoring organization you selected above. You may find information on each sponsoring organization here. Submitted information is shared with the Illinois MCLE Board as well for CLE compliance purposes.