
More Law Careers For Foreign Attorneys in NY?

ny foreign attorneysNew York has continually advocated for foreign attorneys hoping to pursue their law careers in the state. Since the state’s most recent effort in September, New York has made it a point to be more inclusive with this specific market of legal professionals.

New York is now seeking public comment on its proposal to amend Part 522 of the Rules of the Court of Appeals. This change in the current rule would permit the Appellate Division to register a foreign attorney as in-house counsel if he/she is a member in good standing of a legal profession that is located in a foreign jurisdiction.

Part 522, put into effect back in April 2011, currently allows lawyers within the United States to be considered, provided that he/she is employed full-time in this state as an in-house counsel by a corporation, partnership, association, or other legal entity, whether or not they were admitted to the bar in New York.

For those wanting to give their two cents on the proposal, all comments must be received no later than November 9, 2015.

Submit your comment via email or write to John W. McConnell, Esq., Counsel, Office of Court Administration, 25 Beaver Street, 11th Fl., New York, New York, 10004.

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