Results of 2014 Survey on Professionalism Released

All in all, a vast majority of Illinois attorneys are perceived by their colleagues as civil and professional, according to a 2014 survey of Illinois attorneys released today. At least 90 percent of survey respondents reported that most of their colleagues exhibit either civil/professional or very civil/professional behavior. However, more than 85 percent of respondents […]

NALP Foundation Requests Responses for Lawyer Civility Survey

The NALP Foundation for Law Career Research and Education and Fringe PD are requesting responses for their Civility Within Law Firms – Lawyer Survey. The organizations are asking U.S. and Canada-based attorneys to participate in the 10-minute, anonymous lawyer civility survey. This includes staff attorneys, contract / temporary lawyers, part-time / flexible lawyers, etc. The […]

Most Americans Believe Civility in the U.S. Is Declining, According to ABA Survey

Civility is worse today compared to 10 years ago, according to 85% of respondents to the American Bar Association’s Survey of Civic Literacy 2023. A significant number of respondents attribute the decrease in civility to social media, media, and public officials, and believe that family and friends and public officials should be primarily responsible for improving civility in our society.

Cleveland Bar Association Releases Diversity Survey

The legal profession is often scrutinized for its lack of diversity. That’s why members of the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association (CMBA) decided to investigate the demographics of their own legal community. Using its first ever regional diversity survey, the CMBA reached out to thousands of Northeastern Ohio lawyers.  The goal was to determine the employment […]

Workplace Civility: Leaders Can Make a Difference

It’s been a tough road to hoe in the civility business.  Surveys and anecdotes about the caustic uncivil interactions in America—particularly in politics—abound. But there is a bright spot on the horizon.  A recent survey shows that in workplaces where leaders model and value inclusion, civility also exists.  Digging deeper, I wonder if this workplace […]