What Can Illinois Courts Learn From PACER?

There is no doubting it, in the Illinois courts and circuit clerks’ offices around Illinois’ 102 counties, paper is king. But as we quickly approach the 2018 deadline for required electronic filing of documents in all civil cases by Order of the Illinois Supreme Court, the court clerks, lawyers, judges, paralegals, and staff are faced […]

Banning Harassment in the Legal Profession

As a profession, we lawyers are notorious for thinking of worst-case scenarios. We are the most risk-adverse profession (possibly other than accountants). It’s what leads to our love of the “slippery slope argument.” Upholding Sub-Clause X to Schedule Y of Merger Agreement Z will inevitably lead to the collapse of both companies and, very likely, […]

Cognitive Impairment and Lawyers and Judges Who Retire At Their Desks

My Dad is 93 years old.  He retired from his career as a general surgeon over 25 years ago.  He had no cognitive impairment. During his early years of retirement, he reviewed surgical cases for a malpractice insurer and mentored other surgeons.  All through his life, he has continued to read constantly, travel, and play […]

The Key to Landing A Job As A Lawyer? Practical Experience

Jobs are hard to come by these days, especially in the legal profession. In 2015, only 60% of graduates found employment requiring a juris doctorate. 25% didn’t find employment at all. So, what does a recent grad need to do to land a job as a lawyer in 2017? Practical legal experience. According to a […]

Legal Technology Has A Home In Law School Education

Ever since the American Bar Association modified “Competence” Model Rule 1.1, comment 8 in 2012 requiring lawyers to “keep abreast of changes in the law and its practice, including the benefits and risks associated with relevant technology,” legal technology focused articles and commentary have flourished (just see #legaltech). And rightfully so, as this “technology competency” requirement (now adopted by the majority of states, including Illinois as of January […]

The #MeToo Culture Shift in the Legal Profession

As the #MeToo movement maintains its impact across the nation, the legal industry continues to respond. Law firms, law departments, bar associations, and even the judiciary are reviewing sexual harassment policies, examining reporting procedures and structures, and fostering  dialogue meant to find systematic changes. Attendees at the ABA Annual Meeting in Chicago this month heard […]

Legal Trends Report Emphasizes Client Satisfaction

“We start with the customer, and work backwards.” – Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon With a decade of candles shining brightly on its birthday cake, legal practice management software company Clio continues to show it is a leader in legal innovation. But ask anyone at Clio if that defines them, and you’ll likely get an […]

Implicit Bias: Cloaked in Color-Blind Clothing

The color-blind approach commonly employed to diversify law firms may prevent leaders from achieving their goal of minority inclusion. Why? Implicit bias. What is Implicit Bias?  Implicit bias describes unintentional, fundamental, and pervasive biases that fuel stereotypes and many instances of discrimination. These biases tend to reflect the existing power structure in society. They become […]

What I Learned from Coding for Lawyers

You become a better problem solver by solving a lot of problems. In theory, a more experienced legal professional becomes a better problem solver. They’ve experienced the clear, common paths to address clients’ needs. They’ve tackled those crazy outlier circumstances that might turn on a buried statute or vague case law interpretation. They’ve completed the […]

Restoring Civility in Government

More than politeness, civility in government is the glue that holds our republic together. Discussion about civility tends to focus on good manners, or how people speak and behave. But that’s only part of being civil. That people speak and what is substantively communicated are also key components. Respectful sharing of differing viewpoints and compromise […]