ABA Profile of the Legal Profession: Legal Deserts and Law School Debt

Forty percent of counties and county-equivalents in the U.S. have less than one lawyer per 1,000 residents, according to the American Bar Association’s 2020 Profile of the Legal Profession. The second edition of the profile also reported continuing racial equity and law school debt challenges, which have the potential to be exacerbated by COVID-19. The […]

ABA’s Profile of the Legal Profession Explores COVID-19’s Lasting Impact

The ABA released its annual snapshot of the legal profession last month. The profile explores trends in 11 subject areas — including demographics, law schools, the judiciary, technology, and the pandemic. The report is based on a survey of more than 4,000 ABA members last fall and a follow-up survey of nearly 1,400 senior lawyers in March.

Small Law Firms are Optimistic About Growth in 2023, According to a Survey

Small law firms are more optimistic about positive growth in the upcoming year than they were in 2021, according to the 2022 Report on the State of U.S. Small Law Firms from Thomson Reuters. Nearly 60% of lawyers expect growth over the next 12 months in revenues per lawyer, billable hours, and profits per lawyer compared to 51% in 2021.

Will Computers Fill Future Careers in Law?

As technology advances, it has become more challenging to decipher who is actually in control – technology or its creator. Recent studies claim computers will soon replace many careers in law in the next five to ten years. That’s apparently the popular opinion of leadership in law firms these days. According to a 2015 survey […]

Embrace Alternative Fee Arrangements; Kill the Billable Hour

The billable hour undermines professionalism. It incentivizes lawyer inefficiencies and undermines client confidence. Alternative fee arrangements align the incentives of lawyers and clients and should become the norm. Despite Reports, the Billable Hour is Not Dead When I started practicing, a story passed around by the senior partners at my firm was that of seeing […]

AOIC Requests Input on Illinois Judicial Conference

Want a say in the future of the Illinois judicial branch? The Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts (AOIC) requests feedback from the Illinois legal and judicial communities on priorities for the Illinois Judicial Conference (IJC). The input will be used to develop a strategic agenda for the recently reconstituted IJC. In September 2018, the […]

Why Women are Leaving BigLaw

Why are women leaving BigLaw? Because they’re more likely than men to be denied business development prospects, promotions and other career advancement opportunities, according to a survey from the American Bar Association (ABA) and ALM Intelligence. The Walking Out The Door: The Facts, Figures, and Future of Experienced Women Lawyers in Private Practice study is […]