Attorneys Rank Inclusion in the Legal Profession Lower Than Previous Years

For some, a diverse and inclusive workplace wasn’t something they spent much time thinking about until this year. However, 2020 has shined a light on longstanding inequities across our nation and caused law firms and in-house legal departments to take a closer look at diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the legal profession. To explore […]

Is Public Opinion of State Courts Improving? The NCSC Cites ‘Cautious Optimism’

A recent survey of the public by the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) “provides some cautious optimism” about improving public confidence in state courts across the U.S.

For the first time since 2019, public confidence in state courts increased slightly, according to the State of the State Courts study, which was conducted for the NCSC by GBAO Strategies.