The Pay Gap In The Legal Field Is Significant

In March, the Census Bureau released new data in honor of Women’s History Month. Once again, among full-time, year-round civilian workers across all occupations, women were reported as earning 78.8 cents to every dollar earned by men. The new data, compiled by the 2013 American Community Survey, organized the 2010 census data by occupation, including […]

Upcoming Panel Advocating Civility

Is civility an issue in the legal profession? Discipline roundups may sanction the extreme, but where should legal professionals draw the line on less flagrant breaches of professionalism? According to the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism’s 2014 Survey on Professionalism, more than 85% of respondents reported experiencing some instances of uncivil or unprofessional behavior within […]

U.S. District Court Revises Pro Bono Reimbursements

As Pro Bono cases rise in the Northern District of Illinois, revisions to Pro Bono reimbursements appeared to be a top priority for the federal court. According to the October 2015 survey of the Northern District of Illinois trial bar, lawyers consistently claimed that the reimbursement rate wasn’t enough to cover the costs incurred in […]

5 Reasons to Use Technology in the Courtroom

Times have changed. Twenty years ago, the bench and bar showed resistance to the incorporation of technology in the courtroom on various levels – fear of the unknown, disassociation with change, monetary inadequacies, and even antiquated rules of procedure and evidence stood in the way. Fast forward to today to discover the courts and practitioners […]

Walking in the Public’s Shoes: Courthouse Professionalism Training

Trial attorneys feel at home in the well of the court, advocating for their clients. Veteran judges know the view from the bench well, conducting the court’s business. Courthouse employees across the Land of Lincoln constitute a well-oiled machine inside the brick and mortar buildings, each fulfilling their role serving justice for our citizens in […]

Shining a Light on Lawyers’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health

Perhaps the issue of lawyers drinking too much and abusing drugs is finally getting serious attention from those in the profession who build and sustain the culture.  It’s been swept under the rug, whispered about, laughed off and/or ignored for as long as I’ve been a lawyer. As a self-regulated profession, we need to do […]