Law Firms Downsize Office Space Amid COVID-19

Before COVID-19 rocked our workplaces, law firms were making strides in reducing office space. When considering what millennials want from their employers, skyscrapers with marbled interiors and stately furnishings may not have the same allure as they once did. In contrast, younger lawyers seek working environments dedicated to collaboration and efficiency. Law firms have noticed […]

LAP Forms Illinois Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being

For years, the legal profession has struggled with mental health and substance abuse issues. Year after year, lawyers top the lists of professions with the worst quality of life when considering their overall well-being. In the wake of studies like the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation survey and exposés like the infamous New York Times article released last July, the legal […]

We Are Our Colleague’s Keeper

Helping Lawyers Overcome Substance Abuse We are a self-regulated profession. That means that we have a duty to protect the public, including from impaired lawyers. We also have an obligation to help our colleagues who may be suffering from alcohol or substance abuse. Too often I instead hear stories of lawyers covering for, or enabling, […]

Committee on Equality Uncovers Implicit Bias in Illinois Courts

As humans, we all fall victim to implicit bias. Our life experiences affect our beliefs, and those beliefs often play into our decision-making, whether we are aware of them or not.   Unfortunately, these unconscious biases can become increasingly problematic, especially when they begin to dictate our deliberate choices and reasonings. Luckily though, implicit bias does not have to dictate how we lead our lives. They can be addressed, and the Illinois judiciary is […]

What Happens When Lawyers Speak Up

A recent Chicago Tribune op-ed exhorting corporate leaders to speak up got me thinking.  It was by Ravin Gandhi, the CEO of GMM Non-stick Coatings, a company that produces non-stick cookware.  He talked about writing an op-ed critical of President Donald Trump’s “tepid response to white supremacists and neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Va.” He says that […]