Commission on Professionalism Launches Free Online Civility CLE

Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism is pleased to announce the launch of a new free online CLE. Ending Harassment, Bullying and Incivility in the Legal Workplace explores challenges to civility in the legal profession from multiple fronts – societal, professional and personal. Lawyers taking the interactive eLearning will learn to (1) understand the forms […]

Can We Just Be Friends? A Review of Opinions on Lawyers and Judges Connected on Social Media

An ethical conundrum exists for the bench and bar connecting through social media, let alone communicating on those platforms. The ethical waters are still just as muddy as the various states’ opinions across the nation. Many judges have made the decision to remain off of social media altogether – a “better safe than sorry approach.” […]

Civility in America – It Matters

It’s been a year since President Trump was elected. As expected, as an outsider to politics, he is not conducting business as usual. And his style? Decidedly “unpresidential” some would say. Others would say downright uncivil. As Executive Director of an organization created to promote civility and professionalism, I tend to separate professionalism from politics, […]

Legal Technology and Millennial Lawyers

Are robots still coming for lawyers? Despite the doomsdayers, the nay-sayers, and the harbingers, it appears that the imminent revolution is not so, well, imminent. So says a recent study of legal technology. Conducted by UNC and MIT, the study concludes that certain legal tasks are too complicated for machines to replicate. Selective advising, for […]

The Facts About Self Represented Litigants

For the last several years the National Self Represented Litigants Project (NSRLP) has been studying Self Represented Litigants (SRLs) in Canada to determine why the number of SRLs continues to climb year after year. Since 2011, the project has surveyed a number of SRLs through focus-groups, one-on-one interviews, and online surveys to gauge trends in […]